- I check my email so many times a day its kinda sickening
- I found out who my true friends are
- There is no daylight savings time
- The attitude about N Korea is "yeah, whatever"
- Women wear heels all the time
- You have to take your shoes off at the door - before entering homes and restaurants
- I can't wear anything sleeveless, but wearing a skirt with your butt hanging out is OK
- Nothing is too short
- Everyone has a cell phone
- Track suits are totally in (especially if you wear heels with them)
- So are high-tops
- Guys carry their girlfriends purses
- Guys carry their own purses
- Clashing colors, prints, and styles totally match
- Cars drive and park on the sidewalk
- Red lights mean nothing
- Taxi drivers tell you no if your destination is not a big enough fare
- You have to go to the pharmacy to get any form of medication (including aspirin)
- Everyone is photo-crazy; I think the Koreans take more pictures than I do
- Couples wear matching t-shirts, shoes, jackets, underwear, etc.
- It's OK for people to run into you and just keep going
- Normal pizza toppings include corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and of course kimchi
- Red pepper is the main ingredient in almost everything
- Side dishes are a little strange (relish and onions with pizza, pickles with pasta)
- When you go out to eat, side-dishes are unlimited refills
- The reason behind everything is because "it's good for your health"
- Even though they hate English, every t-shirt, baseball cap, bag, etc. is written in English
- Often times, these things are spelled wrong or are completely inappropriate
- Old people and kids stare at me all the time - I swear, even dogs stare at me
- Every Korean seems to have an umbrella when it rains
- Anytime is coffee time; and the coffee shops are always packed
- Seoul never sleeps, but the subway does
- The subway closes earlier on the weekend, than on weekdays
- People talk to me in Korean like I understand them and just keep going
- Korean men do not age well
- Korean girls date the ugliest foreign guys
That's all I can think of for now, but I am sure there are tons more!