(a letter inspired by Cousin)
I must admit, I LOVE my English channel! I appreciate all the American shows and movies that are aired with Korean subtitles.
However, I think of this as MY English channel and when you play the same episode of things 3 and 4 times a week I feel let down. Lets face it, I can only watch the same episode of Criminal Minds, Project Runway, HOUSE or CSI so many times - I try to pretend that I have forgotten the ending so I can act surprised and justify watching the same episode again! Then, you start to air some episodes of certain shows and then they disappear! What's up with that??? The second I think I know when certain shows are on, the schedule changes. And when you decided to change to a different channel completely... I thought that I had lost you forever!!! Thank goodness for insomnia and late night channel surfing!
Also, I do not appreciate the French movies that you play. Hello, the subtitles are still in Korean and I don't speak either of those languages!
And when you play Korean movies, do you really think the Korean subtitles are necessary?
One more thing... I am not sure why you feel the need to put porn on first thing in the morning. Don't get me wrong, a little porn never hurt anybody, but it seems like one of those things that should be on at 2 or 3 in the morning, not 7am while I am getting ready for work!!! And while we are on this topic, why do you blurr out things on shows like CSI and HOUSE but give me a full frontal on the morning porn????
Nevertheless, I appreciate all the background noise and entertainment you provide - especially when its 2am and I still can't fall asleep! I will see you again soon!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
one of those days
Mondays always start off slow. Hit the snooze a few too many times, get a late start, and roll into work just on time; this could not happen today. Too much to do and I have classes with my head coteacher on Mondays. This Monday was looking bright; it was the last Monday of the semester. Yeah, summer camp starts next week but that's totally different than regular classes.
I busted out my new shoes - that I paid too much for, but with my giant foot (260mm) I can't find any shoes (or clothes or bras or...) that fit - walked to the elevator and my foot is already bleeding! Not sure what happened, but it wasn't the best way to start the day. I rushed back to my apt - good thing too, because my flip flop was lodged in the door, keeping it propped open - and put on my shoes with a hole in the bottom. That made for a lovely walk to school...
When I got to school (now with two bleeding feet) my coteacher asked me why I looked so bad today?!?!?!?!? I just smiled and went to my room to get ready for class. The class went really well (and by well, I mean I just stood around and did nothing) and I even had time to check my email. To my dismay, my inbox was empty!!! So from Friday afternoon to Monday morning, nobody emailed me! I was very sad.
Time for class again, but this time class was not so good. The boys classes are always a challenge, but today they were exceptionally bad. The boys would not listen, tried to steal some stuff, and then my coteacher told me that I need to get a better handle on them. That's the last time I try to do anything nice with the boys classes!
At lunch I was told that I was a disgrace to my family because my younger sister is getting married before me. Then I was reminded that I am 27 and single - oh the horror!!! On my way back from lunch I stopped in the bathroom to wash my hands and looked up to see a pretty horrid reflection. I looked like I hadn't slept in days! What could make this any better than running into the principal on my way back to my office. He proceeded to ask me if I drank too much last night! Great, just great...
But Mondays aren't all bad. We only have 6 classes instead of 7 so I thought I was going to get to leave on time (quite possibly early), but I was wrong again! Instead of either of those things happening, I left two hours late!
After a lot of convincing, I decided to go to yoga (instead of an all-night bender). But in all the drama of the day, I forgot to drink enough water. I had to walk out of class 15 minutes early! The teacher kept calling my name, but I didn't know how to say to him, "if I don't get out of here right now, I am gonna throw up all over your yoga studio!"
Like I said, it was just one of those days!
I busted out my new shoes - that I paid too much for, but with my giant foot (260mm) I can't find any shoes (or clothes or bras or...) that fit - walked to the elevator and my foot is already bleeding! Not sure what happened, but it wasn't the best way to start the day. I rushed back to my apt - good thing too, because my flip flop was lodged in the door, keeping it propped open - and put on my shoes with a hole in the bottom. That made for a lovely walk to school...
When I got to school (now with two bleeding feet) my coteacher asked me why I looked so bad today?!?!?!?!? I just smiled and went to my room to get ready for class. The class went really well (and by well, I mean I just stood around and did nothing) and I even had time to check my email. To my dismay, my inbox was empty!!! So from Friday afternoon to Monday morning, nobody emailed me! I was very sad.
Time for class again, but this time class was not so good. The boys classes are always a challenge, but today they were exceptionally bad. The boys would not listen, tried to steal some stuff, and then my coteacher told me that I need to get a better handle on them. That's the last time I try to do anything nice with the boys classes!
At lunch I was told that I was a disgrace to my family because my younger sister is getting married before me. Then I was reminded that I am 27 and single - oh the horror!!! On my way back from lunch I stopped in the bathroom to wash my hands and looked up to see a pretty horrid reflection. I looked like I hadn't slept in days! What could make this any better than running into the principal on my way back to my office. He proceeded to ask me if I drank too much last night! Great, just great...
But Mondays aren't all bad. We only have 6 classes instead of 7 so I thought I was going to get to leave on time (quite possibly early), but I was wrong again! Instead of either of those things happening, I left two hours late!
After a lot of convincing, I decided to go to yoga (instead of an all-night bender). But in all the drama of the day, I forgot to drink enough water. I had to walk out of class 15 minutes early! The teacher kept calling my name, but I didn't know how to say to him, "if I don't get out of here right now, I am gonna throw up all over your yoga studio!"
Like I said, it was just one of those days!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Just for you Cousin
When I talked to my dear cousin earlier this week, she really got on me about not updating my blog. I tried to explain to her that (to me) Korea is not that interesting or exciting.... Well, not so much anymore. I have lived here for a little over 4 months now, and it has set in that I am not on some long, extravagant vacation: I actually live here and all the glitz and glamor has kind of fizzled out! I still try to make it out on the weekends for some adventures, but am also pretty content to just stay home and chill out.
So I thought I would share some of my disastrous adventures...
Having a real job, with real work hours, and real responsibilities (well, kind of) is a reality shock - compared to slinging spaghetti at the Riz. Getting up early and working with kids does not go well with all night benders, so I do not go out drinking (much) anymore. Every time I have, it has not ended well.
Not being able to talk to taxi drivers and tell them where exactly they need to take you is not the best scenario when you have been drinking soju (Korean rice liquor, similar to vodka) all night with a bunch of strangers. I could see my apartment building, but couldn't figure out how to get to it; I wandered around (at 2am) trying to get there.
Going to Itaewon - where all the foreigners hang out - always ends in disaster! Just a bunch of foreigners trying to hook up with whoever and whatever they can... I always try and make it a point to leave before it gets dark. Enough said.
I am always try to plan my evenings around the subway - for some reason, the subway closes earlier on the weekend than on the weekdays. No one, not even the Koreans, seem to know exactly when the subway closes. The bars stay open all night, the problem is trying to find your way home. Taking a taxi is the best bet, but I have been told 'NO' many times. Because my destination is not a big enough fare, they refuse to take me. Unreal!
And now, for my latest adventures...
I tried to go on a Han River ferry/cruise - the Han River runs throug
h the middle of Seoul - but I missed the last boat by 8 minutes! My friend Amanda and I decided to walk around and take some pictures. We thought it would be really cool if we went up on to one of the bridges and took a few pics. We ended up walking across the whole bridge and when we got to the other side, we got lost. It may not sound very exciting, but we had a blast! I mean, how many people in Seoul have walked across the Han River??
I also went to my first Korean baseball game! It was shockingly similar to an American baseball game. The fans are all super-pumped and cheering the whole game. Everyone had the balloons you bang together and there was a 'spirit captain' jumping all over the place instructing us what to do with them! People had sparklers and fireworks galore! The biggest difference, beer and snacks are really cheap - you aren't
charged much more than you would be at a regular convince store (around 3,000 won = $2). We had a hard time trying to figure out which team to root for - we had Bear hats, but Lion balloons! Your ticket is not for a particular seat, but rather for a section. You just have to find a seat in your designated section. Strange to go to the bathroom and come back to find someone sitting in what you thought to be your seat...
So I thought I would share some of my disastrous adventures...
Having a real job, with real work hours, and real responsibilities (well, kind of) is a reality shock - compared to slinging spaghetti at the Riz. Getting up early and working with kids does not go well with all night benders, so I do not go out drinking (much) anymore. Every time I have, it has not ended well.
Not being able to talk to taxi drivers and tell them where exactly they need to take you is not the best scenario when you have been drinking soju (Korean rice liquor, similar to vodka) all night with a bunch of strangers. I could see my apartment building, but couldn't figure out how to get to it; I wandered around (at 2am) trying to get there.
Going to Itaewon - where all the foreigners hang out - always ends in disaster! Just a bunch of foreigners trying to hook up with whoever and whatever they can... I always try and make it a point to leave before it gets dark. Enough said.
I am always try to plan my evenings around the subway - for some reason, the subway closes earlier on the weekend than on the weekdays. No one, not even the Koreans, seem to know exactly when the subway closes. The bars stay open all night, the problem is trying to find your way home. Taking a taxi is the best bet, but I have been told 'NO' many times. Because my destination is not a big enough fare, they refuse to take me. Unreal!
And now, for my latest adventures...
I tried to go on a Han River ferry/cruise - the Han River runs throug
I also went to my first Korean baseball game! It was shockingly similar to an American baseball game. The fans are all super-pumped and cheering the whole game. Everyone had the balloons you bang together and there was a 'spirit captain' jumping all over the place instructing us what to do with them! People had sparklers and fireworks galore! The biggest difference, beer and snacks are really cheap - you aren't
Well Cousin, I hope you're happy; guess that's about it for now.... Thanks for reading!
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